Search Results | scientific journal

Your search for "scientific journal" returned 607 results

How Scientific Peer Review Works

Scientific peer review is a quality-control system that critiques all new scientific discoveries. Learn more scientific peer review and its flaws.

10 Scientifically Sound Weather Superstitions

Ever hear that saying that a cow lies down when rain is coming? This superstition may not be as udderly ridiculous as you think.

10 Reasons Why Tesla Is a Scientific God

He had patents and pigeons galore. His role in history books could be more. So come ye science fans, and read up on your Tesla facts, myths and lore.

10 Scientific Breakthroughs We Literally Couldn't Live Without

You might argue we have scientists to thank for our own survival. What breakthroughs have kept the human race from dying out?

Excel Is Autocorrecting Scientific Research. And That's Not Cool

After surveying thousands of published genetics papers, researchers found nearly one-fifth had errors caused by Microsoft Excel in their supplementary files. Uh-oh.

10 Things We Thought Were True Before the Scientific Method

Before the scientific method came along, science dabbled in some pretty far-out ideas in its youth. Remember miasmas? And spontaneous generation? And the four elements?

Eugenics Overshadows the Legacy of Scientific Genius Francis Galton

Francis Galton did pioneering work in meteorology, psychology, statistics and biometrics. But today he is mainly remembered for promoting eugenics.

Gravitational Waves! Or the Chirps That Prove Einstein Was Right

We've observed gravitational waves, thanks to two black holes colliding and two interferometers. Learn about gravitational waves at HowStuffWorks Now.

Your Thoughts Could Activate a Tiny Robot Inside Your Own Brain

For the first time, Israeli researchers have developed a system that lets a human use brain waves to control nanobots in a cockroach. How could that help your health?

Are There Limits to Freedom of the Press in the U.S.?

What is freedom of the press in the United States and what are the limits? HowStuffWorks looks at the law.

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